as security standards are upgraded, enterprises are facing compliance challenges. the classified protection law v2.0 brings new challenges to enterprises of data security compliance on both technology and management. on the management, three necessary elements are required for enterprises, they are “organizaiton”, “system” and “personnel”, their operating management must be safe. and on the technology, from security zone boundary to security computing environment, enterprises should perform integral protection and comprehensive audit for both internal and external.
◆finer granularity: control the db policy and content with more finer granularity such as ip address, time, sql statement, affect scope, etc.
◆enterprises need to use password to ensure the security of important data in storage process, and claims that ”use system to manage data, authenticate the storage security of information and important business data”.
◆“record the user behavior, security event, etc”.
◆control the process of db operating and audit the operationg behavior comprehensively, and perform a fine-grained control for the change operation through process approval and operation command, etc., and provide integrated bevaior records.
◆after carding the existing assets, perform different level of security protection according to the important degree of business.
◆monitor and control the access and operation performed by the external personnel.
◆have the reversible masking capability, and at the same time ensure the consistency and relevance between the masked data.
◆check and count the privacy information selected from business system, app, etc., and clarify the data that required by the business system. avoiding over select or illegal collection of privacy information.